Morning Manna – May 7, 2021

Pure Contentment

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for” – Epicurus

I know this sounds simple enough to understand but learning to live in the moment, while challenging at times, is the best gift we can give ourselves. It allows us to take time and “smell the roses”, to appreciate what God has done and is doing in our lives, to experience a sense of peace and contentment.

We can do it if we refuse to be influenced by and adopt the world’s standards which keep us on edge….constantly desiring and striving with ourselves and others for the next shiny object, the next biggest accomplishment. And how many times have we achieved that thing but still found ourselves unfulfilled? Remember Adam? He had everything but still found himself looking for more.

If we can only learn to be still in His presence, take a daily inventory of our blessings, and give God thanks for ALL things, we won’t have a need to remain on rock climbing missions. 🏔

Love You All to Life!!

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